Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thanks Ray!

The new PCS has decided to honor one of my questions with lies, evasions and outright deception:

Thanks Ray

The more you try and talk about science, the more people will realize what a moronic idea creationism is. You're doing more for atheism than I ever could.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Far too long

So I realized I haven't posted anything here in about a year. This always was a (VERY) back burner project, but I'm going to make a concerted effort to post something new here at least twice a month from now on. Graduate school has eaten my life, but that's no reason not to take apart religious nonsense online when I can. For now, I highly recommend that everyone visit the Ray Comfort Creation/Evolution 'debate' at where Ray's dishonest and duplicitous arguments are (once again) destroyed.